Have you ever had a great team member and wish you could duplicate them? You know that team member that embodies leadership, is motivated, and driven in a way that seems to push the whole organization forward? Well, now there is a great opportunity to make that dream a reality in a weekend! Bring your next superstar to FLT School live at the conclusion of Brand Triumph, we will level up their skillset in two days, and watch them return to your business as a high-performing leader. Owners that fail to make the investment in their teams see up and coming team members look to their next career somewhere else and potential revenue go down the street. But the owners that have invested their teams time in FLT school see both increased performance and retention in their organization. Position your business to take off and get registered today! As a bonus this course normally takes six weeks of time to complete while they attend during the workweek, but this shortens that time to a two-day intensive.
6700 N Gaylord Rockies Blvd
Aurora, CO 80019
United States