I’m A Software Engineer And I Have to Make Bad Security Decisions - Why?
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 12:15 AM - 12:30 AM

Knowledge is power, and sometimes that hurts. By day, I work as a backend engineer at a company of over 5,000 people, but at night, I work as a content creator and cybersecurity news reporter for Hak5. My love of cybersecurity definitely leaks into my work as a software engineer - but many times during my day job, I find myself making decisions that are not in the best interest of good cybersecurity practices. This talk explores some of the decisions and tradeoffs I am forced to make, why I make them, and how to communicate cybersecurity at large scale companies to prevent engineers from having to make these bad decisions. Audiences will leave with insights of how to better communicate cybersecurity standards for the development process, better insights into the developer’s approach to cybersecurity, and actionable tips to help you foster a better security culture on their team.